Beyond the Algorithms: Why Owning Your Channels is Essential for Long-Term Success

Sherehan Ross

The recent shifts in social media algorithms, the rise and fall of platforms, and the ever-changing digital landscape have left many marketers and content creators feeling uncertain. As we witness LinkedIn algorithm changes impacting visibility, Twitter losing its former glory, and other platforms evolving, one thing becomes clear: relying solely on rented land can be risky. That’s where the importance of diversifying your channels and owning your platforms comes into play.

The Perils of Platform Dependency:
When you build your entire content strategy around a single platform, you’re essentially at the mercy of their algorithmic changes. Remember, algorithms can make or break your reach and engagement, influencing whether your content is seen by your audience. If a platform fades away or loses popularity, your content and audience could vanish with it, leaving you scrambling to rebuild from scratch.

The Power of Owned Channels:
This is where owning your channels becomes crucial. By establishing a website, blog, or other owned platforms, you create a solid foundation for your content. These channels act as your digital home, immune to the whims of algorithms or the fate of social media platforms. Your website becomes the anchor where your content resides, regardless of external changes.

Diversification for Long-Term Stability:
To future-proof your content strategy, it’s essential to diversify and leverage various owned channels. A website or blog allows you to showcase your expertise, maintain complete control over design and user experience, and build a loyal audience directly. Newsletters and email lists provide direct communication channels with your subscribers, ensuring that your content reaches their inboxes and bypasses any algorithmic obstacles.

Striking a Balance:
Now, this isn’t to say that you should abandon social media platforms altogether. They still hold immense value in terms of audience reach and engagement. However, by owning your channels, you can use social media as an amplification tool, driving traffic back to your owned platforms where your content resides. This way, you’re not solely reliant on the volatile nature of external platforms.

In an era of ever-changing algorithms and platform volatility, diversifying your channels and owning your platforms is paramount. Don’t let the fate of social media platforms dictate the destiny of your content and audience. By establishing a strong digital presence through websites, blogs, newsletters, and email lists, you ensure that your content remains accessible and your audience stays engaged, regardless of external circumstances. So, invest in your own digital home, nurture your audience directly, and enjoy the stability and long-term success it brings.

How are you diversifying your channels? Share your strategies and experiences in the comments below!