Striding Through the New CMO Role: A Proven 90-Day Plan to Make Your Mark

Sherehan Ross

Welcome to the rollercoaster called “First few months as the new CMO.” 

Pop quiz –

What’s the first thing you do? Who do you hire first?

And you might be thinking, “Hmm, let me Google that!”

But hold on, the answer is as elusive as a cat on a hot tin roof –

It depends…

Budget? Goals? Current state vs. Future state? Competitive landscape? Startup or well-established firm? Are we playing in the big leagues or the minor ones? B2B or B2C? Product or service-oriented? What’s the industry? Who are our customers? What’s the revenue like? Sales process?

The list is endless, friends!

You see, being a CMO isn’t a one-size-fits-all gig. 

It’s like playing a game of chess where every move is strategic and tailored to the situation at hand. 

But, lucky for you, I’ve got a handy “First 90 Days” blueprint that I’ve tested and tweaked over the years.

🕵️‍♀️ Month 1 – The Sherlock Phase

It’s all about donning your detective hat and observing.
This is when you:

  • Conduct audits, assessments, competitive and industry analysis
  • Immerse yourself in the company’s products or services
  • Identify PR needs, marketing tech stack, and quick wins
  • Take a meet-and-greet tour with the team and C-Suite
  • Become besties with stakeholder interviews
  • Soak up customer insights like a sponge
  • Set some rock-solid company goals

🗓️ Month 2 – The Strategizer Takes Over

Here, you take all the insights you’ve gathered, pop them into your strategy blender, and churn out a foolproof plan:

  • Set those precious KPIs
  • Define the marketing budget
  • Make friends with key stakeholders
  • Craft a plan for scaling marketing efforts
  • Identify hiring needs and a growth strategy
  • Map out campaigns and customer journeys
  • Foster collaboration and employee engagement
  • Ensure alignment with Sales, BD, and CX teams

🎯 Month 3 – Unleash The Executor

It’s GO time! Now, you:

  • Measure ROI
  • Run targeted ads
  • Explore fresh channels
  • Create a content treasure trove
  • Nurture community engagement
  • Analyze results to steer future strategies
  • Keep an eagle eye on marketing activities
  • Host events, seek podcast/speaking opportunities
  • Show them that hiring you was the best decision they’ve ever made 🤑

I’ve also learned that there are a few “Don’ts” in the early days as a CMO.
The most critical of all – Don’t waltz in like a storm and start shaking things up.
Remember, you’re not there to set the world on fire on day one.
You might be stepping into an established team or inheriting a well-oiled marketing machine. Your role isn’t to flip it upside down and start from scratch.

Tread lightly, get the lay of the land, and make strategic decisions that will earn you some quick wins. While you’re at it, build rapport, establish credibility, and earn the team’s trust.
Then, when the time is right, you can start to introduce your game-changing ideas and strategies. 🤯

💡When it comes to hiring, I opt for a dynamic trio – a senior-level generalist, a social media wizard, and a communications pro. In the early stages, we’re looking for a diverse skill set, not niche specialists.

💪A generalist with a strong command over various marketing functions and complementary strengths to mine is like having a Swiss Army knife in your toolkit.

🤘Mix in a social media maverick who can whip up engaging content, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for some pretty epic campaigns and quick wins.

✊Adding a PR pro to the mix is like having a strategic megaphone at your disposal. They can amplify your message, generate some quick wins with media exposure, and help navigate the PR landscape right from the start.

But that’s my playbook. What about you?
Fellow marketing aficionados, what are your strategies when you take the reins as a CMO?

Let’s swap stories and share tips in the comments below!